This is the list of events supported by Log It | If an event is not working or you have feedback please do so by joining our support server and making a ticket (or forum thread) or using Github Discussions

app events

This event is supposed to run when an application(s) command(s) update or permissions change
ban events

This event is supposed to run when a member is banned

This event is supposed to run when a member is unbanned
channel events

This event is supposed to run when a new channel is created

This event is supposed to run when a channel is deleted

This event is supposed to run when a channel has it's pins updated

This event is supposed to run when a channel has an update (i.e name change)

This event is supposed to run when a stage begins

This event is supposed to run when a stage ends

This event is supposed to run when a stage is updated

This event is supposed to run when a channel has a thread created

This event is supposed to run when a channel has a thread deleted

This event is supposed to run when a channel has a thread updated
emoji events

This event is supposed to run when an emoji is created

This event is supposed to run when an emoji is deleted

This event is supposed to run when an emoji is updated
event events

This event is supposed to run when an event is created

This event is supposed to run when an event is deleted

This event is supposed to run when an event is updated

This event is supposed to run when a user wants notified for an event

This event is supposed to run when a user opts out for being notified for an event
invite events

This event is supposed to run when an invite is created

This event is supposed to run when an invite is deleted
message events

This event is supposed to run when a message is created

This event is supposed to run when a message is deleted

This event is supposed to run when a message is edited

This event is supposed to run when you delete a mass amount of messages (i.e a purge command)

This event is supposed to run when a reaction is added to a message

This event is supposed to run when a reaction is removed from a message

This event is supposed to run when all reactions are removed from a message
role events

This event is supposed to run when a new role is created

This event is supposed to run when a role is deleted

This event is supposed to run when a role is updated
server events

This event is supposed to run when an automod rule is created

This event is supposed to run when an automod rule is deleted

This event is supposed to run when an automod rule is edited

This event is supposed to run when you a guild has it's integrations changed or edited

This event is supposed to run when the guild has it's name or boost level changed
sticker events

This event is supposed to run when a sticker is created

This event is supposed to run when a sticker is deleted

This event is supposed to run when a sticker is updated
user events

This event is supposed to run when a member joins

This event is supposed to run when a member is removed or leaves

This event is supposed to run when a member is updated

This event is supposed to run when you a guild has a chunk of members (come from an invite?, this event is a bit hard for even us to understand)
voice events

This event is supposed to run when a user updates a voice state within a voice channel
bot focused events

This event is supposed to run when a guild that Log It is in becomes unavailable (will send a message to support server)

This event is supposed to run when a guild removes Log It (deletes data and posts a message in support server)

This event is supposed to run when a guild adds Log It (sends a message in support server)

This list will be updated as needed | If an event is broken we will fix it in an update | If an event needs more testing or is untested we ask that you let us know if it doesn't work